Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
241 Communication in English language 2 1
242 The EU and Mercosur 1
243 Political attitudes and behaviours 1
244 Dissertation writing methodology
245 The institutional framework of the European Union
246 Analiza violenței politice 1
247 Public Policy of the European Union 2
248 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 1
249 Promotion and commercialization of new tourism products and destinations 1
250 Națiuni si minorități 1
251 International and EU politics: a strategic approach 2
252 Analiza datelor
253 Istoria integrării și construcției europene 1
254 Migrația. Politici și practici europene 1
255 Intellectual property law, management and policy 2
256 English language for physical education and sports 2
257 Partide politice si grupuri de interese
258 Crisis communication 1
259 Social policies 1
260 Pre-Doctoral Summer School - PDSS 2022 3
261 Negotiaton and mediation 1
262 Prácticas externas 1
263 Corupție și politici anticorupție 1
264 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos de patrimonio cultural y natural 1
265 International security studies 1
266 Planning new event tourism products 1
267 España contemporánea 2
268 Field practice 1
269 Power discourse in the European space
270 Politics of the European Union 2
271 Borders, barriers and protest culture 2
272 Ideologii politice 1
273 New technologies for new tourism products and destinations 1
274 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 2
275 Concepte fundamentale în comunicare strategică 1
276 Teorii ale democraţiei 1
277 EUROSCI Network course: The EU and emerging markets 3
278 Strategii de comunicare în sfera publică 1
279 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 2 1
280 Instituţii politice europene 1