Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
161 Gândire critică 1
162 EU government and tourism 2
163 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 1
164 Europeanisation: new research trends 2
165 3rd edition BIM-iss 2020 2
166 Exegesis and argumentation in philosophy 1
167 Communication in German language 2 1
168 Politici publice 1
169 Financial statement analysis 1
170 The Europe of religions 1
171 Guvernare electronică 1
172 Etica războiului și a păcii
173 Mechanics of materials 1
174 Project management essentials 2
175 Metodologia redactării lucrării de licență, practica de specialitate 1
176 The government of the European Union 3
177 Analiza datelor calitative 1
178 Comunicare politică
179 Cambio social, tendencias del consumo turístico y comportamiento del consumidor 1
180 Elaboración de planes estratégicos de desarrollo turístico: estructura, contenidos y metodología 1
181 Population and development
182 EU policy and economic governance 4
183 Human resource management in tourism 1
184 Fala Brasil: Portuguese for foreigners 2
185 Diplomatic customs and techniques 1
186 Field practice
187 Project management 1
188 Psihologie politică 1
189 Comparative political systems 1
190 Gândire critică
191 Quantitative methods in business
192 Cybersecurity management in the European Union 2
193 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină
194 Tourism management and the sustainable development of destinations 1
195 Introduction to political science 1
196 Analiză comparată a sistemelor politice 1
197 Risk management and insurance 1
198 European political systems
199 Promoción y comercialización de destinos y productos turísticos 1
200 Managementul resurselor umane 1