Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
81 Gândire critică 8
82 English language for physical education and sports 8
83 Concepte fundamentale în politică internațională 8
84 Positive political economy (international edition) 8
85 Security studies 8
86 Dissertation 8
87 Local identity management 8
88 Conflict și război 8
89 Project management essentials 7
90 The future of the European Union 1: democracy, stability, and enlargement 7
91 EU employment law and policy 7 100 1
92 Doctoral seminar: Conducting a literature review 7
93 Finances of NGOs 7
94 Retorica discursului politic 7
95 Open Online Course of European Integration 7
96 Institutii si organizatii internationale 7
97 Drept comunitar 7
98 Quality management and quality management tools 7
99 Analiza conflictelor 7
100 Foreign policy analysis 7
101 Managementul resurselor umane 7
102 Communication in Spanish language 2 7
103 European Union security: institutions and policies 7
104 Professional communication 7
105 Business strategies in the circular economy 7 100 1
106 Teorie decizională 7
107 Analiză comparată a sistemelor politice 7
108 Population and human capital policy in the EU I: demographic policy (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 7
109 Selfsmart 2013: Self-knowledge, personal development and adaptation to the European labor market 7
110 International and EU politics: a strategic approach 7
111 Concepte fundamentale în analiză politică 7 100 1
112 French for global affairs - Level 1 7
113 Globalism și globalizare 7
114 Organizații internaționale 7
115 Global architecture 7
116 Viral security: epidemiology and national security 7
117 Antropologie politică 6
118 Cultural diplomacy 6
119 Special topics in business: Sports 6
120 Spanish for academic purposes 6