Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
201 Economie politică europeană 1 100 1
202 Dissertation writing methodology 1
203 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos deportivos 1
204 The idea of Europe 1
205 The EU and Mercosur 1
206 Education and development 1
207 Foreign policy analysis 1
208 Practical skills 1
209 Foreign policy and diplomacy 1
210 Construcţia europeană 1
211 Security studies 1
212 Promoción y comercialización de destinos y productos turísticos 1
213 International finance 1
214 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos en el espacio litoral y de cruceros 1
215 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 1
216 Studii de securitate 1
217 European Union: institutions, law and policy 1
218 The Europe of religions 1
219 Economic efficiency of new innovative solutions 1
220 Teorii ale puterii 1
221 Diplomatic customs and techniques 1
222 Managementul financiar al instituţiilor publice 1
223 Studii de securitate 1
224 Istoria relațiilor internaționale 1
225 Filosofie politică 1
226 Environment and sustainable development 1
227 Financial and economic analysis in projects 1
228 Introducere în studii europene 1
229 Metode de cercetare în știinâele politice 1
230 Applied statistics 1
231 Environment and sustainable development 1
232 Analiza conflictelor 1
233 Field practice 1
234 Managementul resurselor umane 1
235 Analiza politicilor publice 1
236 Elaborarea şi managementul proiectelor 1
237 Politici de dezvoltare
238 Introduction to political science
239 Drept internațional
240 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale