Institutional profiles and reviews

We publish independent reviews of higher education and research institutions that are not partners of the EUROSCI Network. Their logos are used to identify the institutions, subjects of public interest. The significance of each logo is to help readers identify the institution and assure them that they have reached the right entry containing critical commentary about the institution, and does not imply any relation between the institution and the EUROSCI Network. The views and opinions expressed on this page are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position of the EUROSCI Network or any of its partners.

Rank Logo Institution Country Reach User rating Vote count
1 Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas BR Brazil 19 100 1
2 Shanghai Jiaotong University CN China 7 100 1
3 Kyiv National Economic University UA Ukraine 19 100 1
4 Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași RO Romania 77 100 21
5 Humboldt Universität Berlin DE Germany 16 100 1
6 Dublin City University IE Ireland 42 100 4
7 European University Institute IT Italy 15 100 1
8 Emlyon Business School Casablanca MA Morocco 13 100 1
9 Universidad Camilo José Cela ES Spain 6 100 1
10 University of Exeter GB United Kingdom 8 100 1
11 Université Mundiapolis Casablanca MA Morocco 49 100 1
12 Stellenbosch University ZA South Africa 10 100 1
13 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University UA Ukraine 8 100 1
14 University of Crete GR Greece 15 100 1
15 Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie PL Poland 27 100 1
16 Al Akhawayn University MA Morocco 38 100 6
17 Universitatea Politehnică din București RO Romania 44 100 2
18 Politecnico di Milano IT Italy 13 100 1
19 University of Oxford GB United Kingdom 12 100 1
20 Hochschule Reutlingen DE Germany 18 100 1
21 Universidade da Coruña ES Spain 51 94 4
22 Universitatea Ștefan cel Mare din Suceava RO Romania 84 91 8
23 Polissia National University UA Ukraine 57 83 3
24 Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University UA Ukraine 55 81 4
25 Royal Holloway, University of London GB United Kingdom 58 79 6
26 Università degli Studi di Pavia IT Italy 7 75 1
27 Politechnika Lubelska PL Poland 52 75 2
28 Károli Gáspár Reformed University HU Hungary 8 75 1
29 University of West Bohemia CZ Czech Republic 23 75 1
30 Omdurman Islamic University SD Sudan 10 75 1
31 Georgi Rakovski Military Academy BG Bulgaria 6 75 1
32 Westminster International University in Tashkent UZ Uzbekistan 19 75 3
33 Cairo University EG Egypt 10 75 1
34 Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE Germany 25 75 3
35 Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov RO Romania 21 75 1
36 Universitat Politècnica de València ES Spain 16 75 1
37 Universidad Austral de Chile CL Chile 12 75 1
38 University of Banking UA Ukraine 14 75 1
39 Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea ES Spain 13 75 1
40 University of the West of England, Bristol GB United Kingdom 12 75 1