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Summer School
1024: Events
Rt. Hon. John Bercow: Brexit and the UK’s past and future relationship with the EU
Public lecture organised by Dr. Giacomo Benedetto, Jean Monnet chair at Royal Holloway, University of London
Italy's Elections 2022: Perspectives and Challenges after the Victory of the Populist Right
Webinar by Royal Holloway, University of London
Giacomo Benedetto: EU budget: past, present and future
EUROSCI Network lecture at Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi
EU budget, pandemic relief, Hungary-Poland veto
With Giacomo Benedetto, Royal Holloway, University of London
Benedetto & Varela: European Union cohesion policy and policy making
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Benedetto, Kaunert, Nastase, Roman & Varela: The Coronacrisis and the future of Europe
EUROSCI Network roundtable discussion
Giacomo Benedetto: The history of the EU budget
EUROSCI Network Lecture
Developments in EU politics: EUROSCI Network LIVE lecture
With Giacomo Benedetto
Third EUROSCI Network Meeting
Brexit Talk 4: Agriculture and Food
Brexit Talk 3: Trade, Deal or No Deal?
Brexit Talk 2: Immigration, Residence and Brexit
Brexit Talk 1: Sovereignty and the European Court of Justice
Bruegel event: EU budget post-2020 - the next MFF
Event for 6th form students at taster day, Royal Holloway
Brexit event for students from Louisiana State University, 2018
Brexit event for students from Louisiana State University, 2017
Politics in Action Event (European Union) 2018
Politics in Action Event (European Union) 2017
Teachers' Day on the European Union
EUROSCI lecture: Dr Giacomo Benedetto on Brexit and the future of the EU (feat. Professor Fabio Franchino)
Keynote speech: The EU Budget over the last 10 years
European Parliament Workshop on the Galaxy of Funds and Instruments around the EU Budget
European Union training day for school teachers
Inaugural Jean Monnet public lecture: £350 million per week and why Europe needs a budget