201 |
Librarium Palas |
Romania |
202 |
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute |
Ukraine |
7 |
203 |
College of Europe |
Belgium |
4 |
204 |
Wuhan University of Technology |
China |
4 |
205 |
Partidul Democrației și Solidarității – Demos |
Romania |
206 |
University of Kuala Lumpur |
Malaysia |
5 |
207 |
Baltic College |
Germany |
8 |
208 |
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine |
Ukraine |
6 |
209 |
University of Leeds |
United Kingdom |
6 |
210 |
Universitatea Națională de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică Ion Luca Caragiale din București |
Romania |
7 |
211 |
House of Lords |
United Kingdom |
212 |
Universidad Europea del Atlántico |
Spain |
8 |
213 |
Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus |
Belarus |
5 |
214 |
Universidad de Caldas |
Colombia |
5 |
215 |
Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo |
Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
5 |
216 |
Societatea Academică de Constructori Profesor Anton Șesan |
Romania |
217 |
University of Belgrade |
Serbia |
10 |
218 |
College of Business and Entrepreneurship in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski |
Poland |
5 |
219 |
Belarusian State University |
Belarus |
5 |
220 |
Universitatea din Oradea |
Romania |
8 |
221 |
El Español |
Spain |
222 |
Odessa Law Academy |
Ukraine |
5 |
223 |
MC Law Offices |
Mauritius |
224 |
China University of Mining and Technology |
China |
5 |
225 |
Universidade Santa Cecília |
Brazil |
6 |
226 |
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales |
Bolivia, Plurinational State of |
227 |
Yaşar University |
Turkey |
6 |
228 |
University of Kent |
United Kingdom |
3 |
229 |
Casa de Cultura a Studentilor |
Romania |
230 |
National University of Water and Environmental Engineering |
Ukraine |
7 |
231 |
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná |
Brazil |
5 |
232 |
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia |
Italy |
2 |
233 |
Université de N'Djaména |
Chad |
6 |
234 |
Sinka LLC |
Cyprus |
235 |
Escuela de Finanzas |
Spain |
3 |
236 |
Università degli Studi Gabriele d'Annunzio |
Italy |
10 |
237 |
Turkish-German University |
Turkey |
5 |
238 |
Université d'Orléans |
France |
10 |
239 |
European Parliament |
European Union |
240 |
Lancaster University |
United Kingdom |
5 |