Institutional profiles and reviews

We publish independent reviews of higher education and research institutions that are not partners of the EUROSCI Network. Their logos are used to identify the institutions, subjects of public interest. The significance of each logo is to help readers identify the institution and assure them that they have reached the right entry containing critical commentary about the institution, and does not imply any relation between the institution and the EUROSCI Network. The views and opinions expressed on this page are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position of the EUROSCI Network or any of its partners.

Rank Logo Institution Country Reach User rating Vote count
281 Eastern Mediterranean University CY Cyprus 15
282 State University of Telecommunications UA Ukraine 15 13 2
283 Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix BR Brazil 15
284 National University of Water and Environmental Engineering UA Ukraine 15
285 Universidad de Castilla la Mancha ES Spain 15
286 Universitatea Națională de Artă Teatrală și Cinematografică Ion Luca Caragiale din București RO Romania 15
287 Misurata University LY Libya 15 50 1
288 University of Belgrade RS Serbia 15
289 Humboldt Universität Berlin DE Germany 15 100 1
290 Academia de Științe a Moldovei MD Moldova, Republic of 15
291 John Cabot University IT Italy 15
292 University of Strathclyde GB United Kingdom 15
293 Sapienza Università di Roma IT Italy 15 25 1
294 Jindal Global University IN India 15
295 Universitas Islam Indonesia ID Indonesia 15
296 Universidad Nebrija ES Spain 15
297 Universidad de La Sabana CO Colombia 15
298 University of Toronto CA Canada 15
299 Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala MX Mexico 15 25 1
300 Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli di Roma IT Italy 15 0 1
301 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná BR Brazil 15
302 Università degli Studi Gabriele d'Annunzio IT Italy 15
303 University of Kuala Lumpur MY Malaysia 15
304 University of Wales, Aberystwyth GB United Kingdom 15 25 1
305 University of Manchester GB United Kingdom 15
306 ESMC Business School MA Morocco 16 0 2
307 Lomonosov Moscow State University RU Russian Federation 16 50 1
308 Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração de Bragança PT Portugal 16 38 2
309 Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy RO Romania 16 50 1
310 Klaipėda University LT Lithuania 16 50 1
311 Université catholique de Louvain BE Belgium 16
312 Università di Bologna IT Italy 16 63 2
313 Universitat Politècnica de València ES Spain 16 75 1
314 University of Essex GB United Kingdom 16 50 1
315 Universidad Austral de Chile CL Chile 16 75 1
316 Heriot Watt University GB United Kingdom 16
317 Universitatea din Craiova RO Romania 16
318 Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz CO Colombia 16
319 Universidade do Minho PT Portugal 16 25 1
320 University of East Anglia GB United Kingdom 16 0 1