Institutional profiles and reviews

We publish independent reviews of higher education and research institutions that are not partners of the EUROSCI Network. Their logos are used to identify the institutions, subjects of public interest. The significance of each logo is to help readers identify the institution and assure them that they have reached the right entry containing critical commentary about the institution, and does not imply any relation between the institution and the EUROSCI Network. The views and opinions expressed on this page are those of the authors and do not purport to reflect the position of the EUROSCI Network or any of its partners.

Rank Logo Institution Country Reach User rating Vote count
361 Universiteit Leiden NL Netherlands 4
362 Uniwersytet Warszawski PL Poland 4
363 Universitatea Spiru Haret RO Romania 4
364 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria ES Spain 4 50 1
365 Purdue University US United States 4
366 Ilia State University GE Georgia 4
367 Turkish National Police Akademy TR Turkey 4
368 Turkish-German University TR Turkey 4
369 Universität München DE Germany 3
370 Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka MY Malaysia 3
371 Fundació CatDem ES Spain
372 Votewatch Europe AISBL BE Belgium
373 Asociaţia Română de Relaţii Internaţionale şi Studii Europene (ARRISE) RO Romania
374 Fundacion Pedro Barrie de la Maza ES Spain
375 Gestiona Radio ES Spain
376 Organización de Universidades Católicas de América Latina y el Caribe - ODUCAL
377 European Liberal Forum BE Belgium
378 Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo BR Brazil
379 Bahia Software ES Spain
380 La Voz de Galicia ES Spain
381 Victor Slavescu Centre for Financial and Monetary Research RO Romania
382 Université Catholique de l'Ouest FR France
383 DLCI Studio Legale IT Italy
384 CEIP Plurilingüe Ría do Burgo ES Spain
385 Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences UA Ukraine
386 La Opinión de A Coruña ES Spain
387 Prior Media Group RO Romania
388 Zoom Video Communications US United States
389 Softtek MX Mexico
390 ERSTE Stiftung AT Austria
391 Primaria Municipiului Iasi RO Romania
392 Fil. Dr. Jan-U. Sandal Institute NO Norway
393 Balneario de Guitiriz ES Spain
394 Euronews FR France
395 RO Romania
396 Alcoa Corporation US United States
397 European Union EU European Union
398 Librarium Palas RO Romania
399 Partidul Democrației și Solidarității – Demos RO Romania
400 House of Lords GB United Kingdom