Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
81 Design and Implementation of EU Communication Campaigns 2
82 Security in the context of globalization 1
83 Antropologie politică 2
84 European affairs, freedom of expression and information 4
85 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos para grupos especiales 2
86 Tehnologie informatică şi comunicare 1
87 Quantitative methods 5
88 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1
89 Dissertation 4
90 The future of the European Union 3: in search of peace and prosperity 4
91 Analiza datelor cantitative 3
92 Sistemul european al drepturilor omului 2
93 Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Europe and the wider world 3
94 Politici economice 10
95 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 3 2
96 Engineering mechanics: dynamics 4
97 Online teaching in international higher education 4
98 Supply chain planning 5
99 Alegeri și sisteme electorale 3
100 Theories of development 1
101 Education and development 3
102 The future of the European Union 5: after Brexit 4
103 Programa para análisis de datos cualitativos con ejemplos de turismo 2
104 The future of the European Union 4: the aftermath of the crisis 4
105 Economie politică
106 Financial and economic analysis in projects 2
107 Communication in Spanish language 2 2
108 Foreign policy and diplomacy 2
109 Practică de specialitate 1
110 Public Communication in the European Union 2
111 Common Foreign and Security Policy 2
112 Introducere în ştiinţe politice 2
113 Making Europe news 4
114 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos deportivos 1
115 Istoria relațiilor internaționale 3
116 Professional communication 4
117 Drept internațional 2
118 Research methods and techniques in tourism: quantitative techniques 2
119 Population and human capital policy in the EU I: demographic policy (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 2
120 Comunicare strategică în acțiune 1 (în limbi de circulație internațională) 3