Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
41 European business law and ethics 10
42 Europeanisation: new research trends 10
43 Cybersecurity management in the European Union 10
44 Financial statement analysis 10
45 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 10
46 EU government and tourism 10
47 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1 10
48 Logistics and supply chain management 10
49 Pre-Doctoral Summer School - PDSS 2022 10
50 Introducere în ştiinţe politice 10
51 The government of the European Union 10
52 Politici regionale 10 100 8
53 Doctoral seminar: Current frontiers of global academic research 9
54 Risk management and insurance 9
55 Understanding the European Union 9 100 1
56 Quantitative methods 9
57 The future of the European Union 3: in search of peace and prosperity 9
58 Introduction to comparative politics 9 100 2
59 Conflict și război 9
60 Selfsmart 2014 9
61 Gândire critică 9
62 International organizations and global governance 9 100 3
63 Public Policy of the European Union 9
64 EUROSCI Network course: Global political economy 9
65 Security studies 9
66 European Union Budget, Revenue and Spending 9
67 Tourism planning: public-private partnership 9
68 International organizations 9
69 Intellectual property law, management and policy 9
70 European Governance 9
71 Open Online Course of European Integration 9
72 Jogo e tecnologia para alto desempenho 9 100 1
73 European Union security 9
74 Doctoral seminar: Conducting a literature review 9
75 Dissertation 9
76 Finances of NGOs 9
77 Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Europe and the wider world 9
78 Positive political science 9
79 Policy and policy making in the European Union 9 100 1
80 Project management 9