Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
121 Exegesis and argumentation in philosophy 1
122 Dirección estratégica de las organizaciones turísticas 1
123 Economie politică europeană 1 100 1
124 Social research methods 1
125 Promotion and commercialization of new tourism products and destinations 1
126 Analiza datelor cantitative 1
127 Planning new products for culinary tourism 1
128 Analiza violenței politice 1
129 Research methods and techniques in tourism: quantitative techniques 1
130 Planning new event tourism products 1
131 Population and human capital policy in the EU II: economic policies (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 1
132 Instituții și politici europene 1 100 1
133 Strategic management in tourism organizations 1
134 Conflict management 1
135 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1
136 Guvernare electronică 1
137 Rational choices: understanding EU politics 1
138 Project management 1
139 Global political economy 1
140 Doctoral seminar: Conducting a literature review 1
141 Metodologia redactării lucrării de licență, practica de specialitate 1
142 Planificación y gestión de planes de turismo: el papel de las organizaciones públicas y privadas 1
143 Tourism planning: public-private partnership 1
144 Communication in Spanish language 2 1
145 Foreign policy and diplomacy 1
146 Metode de cercetare în științele sociale 1
147 Population and human capital policy in the EU I: demographic policy (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 1
148 Conflict management 1
149 Fluid mechanics 1
150 Fundamentos básicos sobre lazer, trabalho e educação 1
151 New technologies for new tourism products and destinations 1
152 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1 1
153 Tehnologie informatică şi comunicare 1
154 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 1
155 Project management 1
156 Cambio social, tendencias del consumo turístico y comportamiento del consumidor 1
157 Social change, consumption trends and consumer behaviour in tourism 1
158 Planning new products for cultural tourism 1
159 Economic efficiency of new innovative solutions 1
160 Concepte fundamentale în comunicare strategică 1