Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
41 Strategic communication themes in the EU and its Member States. Decision and common policies 2
42 Project management essentials 2
43 Rational choice theory and international politics 2
44 Positive political economy (international edition) 2
45 Management information systems 2016 2
46 3rd edition BIM-iss 2020 2
47 European affairs, freedom of expression and information 2
48 Jogo e tecnologia para alto desempenho 2 100 1
49 Analiză avansată: de la master la doctorat 2
50 International and EU politics: a strategic approach 2
51 Introduction to Agile project management 2
52 Marketing communication in retail 2
53 European Union Budget, Revenue and Spending 2
54 Doctoral seminar: Current frontiers of global academic research 2
55 Politics of the European Union 2
56 Borders, barriers and protest culture 2
57 The future of the European Union 1: democracy, stability, and enlargement 2
58 EU government and tourism 1
59 Public Policy of the European Union 1
60 Fala Brasil: Portuguese for foreigners 1
61 The future of the European Union 5: after Brexit 1
62 The future of the European Union 3: in search of peace and prosperity 1
63 Quality management and quality management tools 1
64 Europeanisation: new research trends 1
65 Selfsmart 2013: Self-knowledge, personal development and adaptation to the European labor market 1
66 Viral security: epidemiology and national security 1
67 International organizations 1
68 Comunicare strategică în acțiune 3 (în limbi de circulație internațională) 1
69 Communication Content Management 1
70 Introduction to international relations 1
71 Ordine mondială: dezvoltare, democrație și securitate 1
72 Terrorism and counter-terrorism in Europe and the wider world 1
73 Intellectual property law, management and policy 1
74 Analiză comparată a sistemelor politice 1
75 Conflict și război 1
76 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 1
77 French for global affairs - Level 1 1
78 Supply chain planning 1
79 Drept comunitar 1
80 Comunicare strategică în acțiune 1 (în limbi de circulație internațională) 1