Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
281 Policy and policy making in the European Union 5 100 1
282 EUROSCI minicourse: The European Union and the tourism industry 5
283 Understanding the European Union 5 100 1
284 Engineering mechanics: dynamics 5
285 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: The EU and its Policies 5 100 2
286 Introduction to international relations 5
287 Jogo e tecnologia para alto desempenho 5 100 1
288 Strategic communication themes in the EU and its Member States. Decision and common policies 5
289 Recreation and leisure activities 5
290 Quantitative methods 5
291 Communication Content Management 6
292 EU employment law and policy 6 100 1
293 European business law and ethics 6
294 Institutional architecture and communication in the European Union 6
295 Globalism și globalizare 6
296 EUROSCI Network course: The EU and emerging markets 6
297 Politicile Uniunii Europene 6
298 Introduction to Agile project management 6
299 Positive political science 6
300 Introduction to comparative politics 7 100 2
301 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 7
302 Introduction to Ukrainian language and culture 7
303 European Governance 7
304 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: Strategic Communications 7 100 3
305 Marketing communication in retail 7
306 Jean Monnet Open Online Course of European Integration: Economic Development 7 100 3
307 Politicile comune ale Uniunii Europene 7 98 12
308 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos de patrimonio cultural y natural 8
309 Teoria alegerii raționale 8 100 5
310 Introduction to economics 9
311 Management information systems 10 100 1
312 EUROSCI Network course: Development economics 11 100 1
313 Politici economice 11
314 Economia politică a statului bunăstării 12 100 3
315 Economie politică pozitivă 18 98 79
316 Introducere în relații internaționale 65 100 25
317 Economie politică pozitivă 2: Instituții și politici europene 100 96 28