Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
121 Comunicare strategică în acțiune 1 (în limbi de circulație internațională) 1
122 Marketing politic
123 Técnicas cuantitativas aplicadas al turismo
124 Politică externă și diplomație 1
125 Economic efficiency of new innovative solutions 1
126 English language and educational technology for kids 1
127 Retorica discursului politic 1
128 Environment and sustainable development 1
129 Conflict management 1
130 Fundamentos básicos sobre lazer, trabalho e educação 1
131 Institutional architecture and communication in the European Union 2
132 Politici publice
133 Strategic communication themes in the EU and its Member States. Decision and common policies 1
134 Trabajo fin de máster
135 Construcţia europeană
136 Communication in German language 1 1
137 Filosofie politică
138 Quality management and quality management tools 1
139 Project management 1
140 Turismo y desarrollo sostenible: la calidad de los destinos y productos turísticos
141 Managementul financiar al instituţiilor publice
142 Ideologii politice in epoca contemporană
143 Rational choices: understanding EU politics 1
144 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1
145 Research methods and techniques in tourism: qualitative techniques 1
146 Population and human capital policy in the EU II: economic policies (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 1
147 Organizații internaționale 1
148 Teorii ale puterii 1
149 EU government and tourism 1
150 Programa para análisis de datos cuantitativos con ejemplos de turismo
151 Global political economy 1
152 Planning new products for culinary tourism 1
153 Spanish for academic purposes 2
154 Granițe, bariere și cultura protestului 1
155 Social policies
156 Field practice 1
157 Gândire critică 1
158 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 1
159 Europeanisation: new research trends 1
160 3rd edition BIM-iss 2020 1