Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
121 Comunicarea în relațiile internațonale 5
122 Financial and economic analysis in projects 5
123 Introducere în ştiinţe politice 5
124 Dissertation 5
125 Theories of development 5
126 Managementul resurselor umane 5
127 Population and human capital policy in the EU I: demographic policy (SEIS1 2015, PPMI2 2016, 2017) 5
128 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1 5
129 Financial statement analysis 5
130 Técnicas cualitativas aplicadas al turismo 5
131 Communication in English language 2 5
132 Financing tourism activities 5
133 Turismo y desarrollo sostenible: la calidad de los destinos y productos turísticos 5
134 Planificación y gestión de planes de turismo: el papel de las organizaciones públicas y privadas 5
135 Tourism planning: public-private partnership 5
136 Retorica discursului politic 5
137 Psihologie politică 5
138 Social change, consumption trends and consumer behaviour in tourism 5
139 Social policies 5
140 Introducere în studii europene 5
141 Alegeri raționale: să înțelegem UE (2018/19) 5
142 European Union security: institutions and policies 5
143 Teorii ale relaţiilor internaţionale 5
144 Ideologii politice 4
145 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 4
146 Data structures and algorithms 4
147 Conflict management 4
148 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos espirituales 4
149 Project management 4
150 Economic efficiency of new innovative solutions 4
151 Conflict și război 4
152 English language and educational technology for kids 4
153 Planning new event tourism products 4
154 Human resource management in tourism 4
155 Money, Banking and Financial Markets 4
156 Comunicare politică 4
157 Communication in Spanish language 1 4
158 Teorie decizională 4
159 Design and Implementation of EU Communication Campaigns 4
160 New technologies for new tourism products and destinations 4