Our most popular courses

The ranking of this table is entirely based on the opinions of registered students.

Rank Course Reach Rating Vote count
81 Conflict și război 1
82 Supply chain planning 1
83 Open Online Course of European Integration 1
84 English language for physical education and sports 1
85 Communication in English language 2 1
86 English language and educational technology for kids 1
87 Metodologia redactării lucrării de licență, competențe și abilități practice 1
88 The future of the European Union 5: after Brexit 1
89 Communication in Spanish language 1 1
90 Gândire critică 1
91 Risk management and insurance 1
92 Global architecture 1
93 Communication Content Management 1
94 European Union construction 1
95 Analiză avansată: de la master la doctorat 1
96 Analiză comparată 1
97 Analiza datelor calitative 1
98 Negotiaton and mediation 1
99 The future of the European Union 2: demography, education and sustainability 1
100 Mechanics of materials 1
101 Global governance 1
102 Globalism și globalizare 1
103 Planificación y gestión de destinos y productos turísticos de patrimonio cultural y natural 1
104 European Union security 1
105 Logistics and supply chain management 1
106 Psihologie politică 1
107 Selfsmart 2014 1
108 Cultural diplomacy 1
109 Theories of development 1
110 The future of the European Union 4: the aftermath of the crisis 1
111 Politici economice 1
112 EUROSCI Network course: Global political economy 1
113 Exegesis and argumentation in philosophy 1
114 Politico-military structures in Europe 1
115 Introducere în ştiinţe politice 1
116 Analiza datelor cantitative 1
117 Planning new products for culinary tourism 1
118 European cultural diplomacy 1
119 Competenţe de comunicare în limba străină 1
120 Research methods and techniques in tourism: quantitative techniques 1