European Union: institutions, law and policy

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Aims and scope: 

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the main features of the EU legal order. The course is divided in three parts related to the creation, enforcement, and substance of EU law. The first part introduces the EU legal system and its main government institutions, their composition and main powers. The second part covers the legal acts, the protectionm of fundamental rights, the jurisdictional architecture of the EU, and the relationship between EU and national law. Finally, the third part covers the main fields of EU substantive law, such as the functioning of the internal market or EU competition law.


1. Introduction. The history of European integration. 2. The European Parliament. The Council. 3. The European Commission. Other minor istitutions and bodies. 4. The EU: a federation of states? 5. The legislative powers of the Union: scope and nature, the legislative procedure. 6. The external powers of the Union: scope and nature. 7. The executive powers of the Union: governmental and delegated power, direct and indirect administration. 8. The EU Legal order: primary law and legislative acts. 9. The enforcement of European Union law in the domestic legal order: general principles, supremacy and direct effect of EU law. 10. The Court of Justice of the European Union: the preliminary rulings procedure, direct actions. 11. The internal market. 12. EU competition law.

Indicative reading: 

R. Schütze (2015). An Introduction to European Law, 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press; Chalmers, Davies and Monti (2014). EU Law: Cases and Materials. Cambridge University Press.

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